
《JiuHu APP》application privacy statement



The《JiuHu APP》Pay attention to the protection of your personal privacy. Sometimes we need certain information to provide you with the services you request. This privacy statement explains the collection and use of data in these situations. This privacy statement applies to all related services of the 《JiuHu APP》application product.


1) 微信SDK:微信支付SDK用于支付相关服务及汇总/统计支付信息:包括订单支付、交易行为核验、收入结算、支付信息汇总统计,需要获取您设备唯一设备识别码;该SDK隶属于“腾讯“,收集类别为:个人常用设备信息。为便于您更好地了解微信支付SDK采集的数据类型及用途,以及如何保护您的个人信息,您可以访问https://weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate?lang=zh_CN&t=weixin_agreement&s=privacy 了解微信支付隐私权政策。
2) 支付宝SDK:支付宝SDK用于支付相关服务及汇总/统计支付信息:包括订单支付、交易行为核验、收入结算、支付信息汇总统计,需要获取您设备唯一设备识别码;该SDK隶属于“蚂蚁金服“,收集类别为:个人常用设备信息、网络身份标识信息、个人财产信息。为便于您更好地了解支付宝SDK采集的数据类型及用途,以及如何保护您的个人信息,您可以访问 https://render.alipay.com/p/c/k2cx0tg8 了解支付宝隐私权政策
3) 百度定位SDK:百度定位SDK用于展示地图位置及地图定位,会申请访问您的位置信息。需要收集您的设备Mac地址、唯一设备识别码、位置信息。 为便于您更好地了解百度地图采集的数据类型及用途,以及如何保护您的个人信息,您可以访问https://map.baidu.com/zt/client/privacy/index.html 了解百度地图隐私权政策。

Instructions for SD store permission


Use to store track data.


Instructions for Read SMS permission


Not using now.


Instructions for applying for camera and recording permission


The camera is used to scan QR code and record to Push Talk.


Instructions for applying for camera and recording permission


Integrated Baidu map SDK to location and show the map


Access phone info to get Mac and Phone Os Version

Collection of your personal information


When we need information that identifies you (personal information) or information that can be contacted with you, we will ask for your agreement.

Control your personal information

《九护关爱》会在法律要求或符合《九护关爱》的相关服务条款、软件许可使用协议约定的情况下透露您的个人信息,或者有充分理由相信必须这样做才能:(a) 满足法律的明文规定,或者符合《九护关爱》本应用适用的法律程序;(b)符合《九护关爱》相关服务条款、软件许可使用协议的约定;(c) 保护《九护关爱》的权利或财产,以及 (d) 在紧急情况下保护《九护关爱》员工、《九护关爱》产品或服务的用户或大众的个人安全。

The 《JiuHu APP》 will disclose your personal information in accordance with the legal requirements or in compliance with the relevant terms of service、the Software License Agreement of the《JiuHu APP》, or have good reason to believe that it is necessary to do so: (a) meet the express requirements of the law, or comply with the applicable legal procedures of the application of the 《JiuHu APP》; (b) comply with the relevant service terms、the Software License Agreement of the 《JiuHu APP》; (c) Protection The rights or property of the 《JiuHu APP》 and (d) Protect the personal safety of employees, products, services, or the public in an emergency.


《JiuHu APP》 will not share these information with third parties without permission, except as indicated in this statement.

The security of your personal information

严格保护您的个人信息的安全。我们使用各种安全技术和程序来保护您的个人信息不被未经授权的访问、使用或泄漏。如果您对我们的隐私保护有任何置疑,请email至 service@minigps.net

Strictly protect the security of your personal information. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. If you have any doubts about our privacy protection, please email us at service@minigps.net

About disclaimer


The 《JiuHu APP》 does not assume any legal responsibility for the occurrence of the following related matters:

1. 《九护关爱》根据法律规定或相关政府的要求提供您的个人信息;

1. 《JiuHu APP》 provides your personal information in accordance with legal requirements or relevant government requirements;

2. 非因《九护关爱》原因导致的个人信息的泄漏;

2. Personal information don't disclosed by the 《JiuHu APP》;

3. 任何第三方根据《九护关爱》各服务条款及声明中所列明的情况使用您的个人信息由此所产生的纠纷;

3. Any dispute arising from the use of your personal information by any third party in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the 《JiuHu APP》;

4. 任何由于黑客攻击、电脑病毒侵入或政府管制而造成的暂时性服务停止;

4. Any temporary service stoppage due to hacking, computer virus intrusion or government regulation;

5. 因不可抗力导致的任何后果;

5. Any consequences due to force majeure

6. 《九护关爱》在各服务条款及声明中列明的免责情形 。

6. The Disclaimer listed in the Terms and Conditions of the 《JiuHu APP》.

Revision of the privacy statement:


This privacy statement will be revised as needed. We encourage users to check online regularly for the latest privacy policy in the Terms of Use. If any terms in the future are updated, we will not promptly remind the user, and will not retroactively apply to the previous situation, and will not change the way we handle the data collected before.